Replicate Human Skills

Designed to ease humans of mundane tasks and streamline business processes KAPTO aims at replicating the following human capabilities:

Multi-document stream splitting

Each stream added to the product is treated by the KAPTO AI Engine as an article that may contain several documents. The AI engine then identify each page, each component and sort them in related documents and  sequence. This allows KAPTO to Inteligently recognise and split each document.

Multi-format document categorisation

As documents arrive, KAPTO can recognise the type of document ingested. KAPTO AI Engine then categorises and sorts them in groups and sends them to individual processes or pipelines.

Frictionless Information Extraction

KAPTO's capability goes well beyond basic data capture. KAPTO AI Engine extracts information ranging from unstructured document text to complex structures as nested or interlaced tables. Our customers can start feeding documents with no setup and still get a high level of accuracy. Unlike our nearest competing IDP solutions, intelligent character recognition systems, templates, zones, and standardisation requirements are a thing of the past with KAPTO.

Concept recognition

How many times do humans need to understand if a document is containing a certain concept? Always...this is usually called “understand what you read” or “reading comprehension”. Well, KAPTO is exactly capable of performing this kind of task too, without any supervision. In addition KAPTO, via a light user-supervised training, can answer a specific subset of questions that the user would like it to focus on. This capability further relieves humans of spending time in reviewing manually documents, searching for specific topics, or answering a defined set of questions. Let KAPTO be the one that reviews documents in a blink of an eye instead of you spending hundreds of hours of human attention that can be productively re-addressed to more complex and creative tasks.

Continuous Learning

Our pre-trained engine is continuously learning. Instead of creating specific models for specific documents, our approach is totally different. We created an ecosystem of AI models that compete and collaborate to capture different cognitive aspects of the documents and aggregate them to obtain a holistic view.

Any company-specific training can be carried out quickly with only a handful of examples. KAPTO AI Engine will operate autonomously and with no human intervention providing complete end to end automation.

Continuous Learning

Humans in the loop

At KAPTO we are obsessed with automating everything. however, in some cases, business process or human error demands intervention; for example:

  • Detect anomaly in the document
  • Learn new business expertise or logic
  • AI ascertains an error which needs human verification

So KAPTO offers powerful interactive functionalities of verification and error correction . Those errors that come from AI misinterpretation are directly fed back to the AI to learn from its own mistakes.