In-Process Integration

To fully exploit the capabilities of our powerful AI core, exposing API is not enough. To fulfil KAPTO's mission, we have added In-process integration capability. This allows KAPTO to integrate with customer systems, amplifying AI capabilities by embedding customer information and interacting with customer systems at crucial points during the information processing.

Embed Business Knowledge

A best-of-breed AI product alone can not fulfil the Human-like automation mission set out by KAPTO. Humans use multi-level context information when performing cognitive tasks, and so does our AI technology. To do so, KAPTO can seamlessly integrate with the customer’s systems and other external systems through flexible data capture processes and extension points.

Extended Process Orchestration

We continuously interact with customer systems to enrich KAPTO AI Engine's internal processes both in training and during the execution phase. We designed this process to work frictionlessly through predefined customizable extension points in line with KAPTO AI's overall vision.

Extensive API capability

We designed our product from the ground up, so that it gets fully and seamlessly embedded into your business process. The APIs are extensive and created with end to end connected processing. You talk to the same API engine from login to every step of the process. We have made several extension points that allow KAPTO AI Engine to interact with other business application and generate this level of unparalleled synergy.